Sunday, February 16, 2014


Why would I make this ridiculous blog? For many reasons. Primary reason being the innate human need to communicate, to connect, to conquer, to conjure, to talk, howsoever garrulously, but talk. Out in the real world people are talking to each other about various things, most of which are mundane jabber and brutally banal bores (yes, I did it. World Record for most number of B's in a sentence).

Another reason being ADHD-induced Hyperactivity. A dumb girl who once claimed she had a degree in psychology made a dumb mistake of calling ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. Well, a disorder can't be HYPERACTIVE. It's Hyperactivity, I corrected her.

Yes, I'm so hyper. I realized things as I was making a cup of tea. Shinedown used to be an awesome band. I feel such an energy while listening to their old stuff. And a bonus song from their diamondiferous record Sound of Madness called "The Energy" was playing in my imagination with muffled intensity. I begun playing it. While I type this, it is being played for the sixth time in twenty five minutes.

Yet another reason, Why are there so many DUMB personal diary blogs out there? WHY? (I know I'm going to be considered rude, blunt, or downright uncivilized for the capslock, but WHO CARES?).
Why should people be interested in someone's elses life? The sandwich they had that morning? The dog they caressed? The poop they cleaned? But, sadly, these questions are open-ended and absurd. Let the people be, quoth all the normal people out there. Live and let live. Die and be dead.

So, I'm claiming my piece of the blogosphere pie where even I shall use this fucking keyboard to whatsoever end or purpose I derive vitality from.  But I won't bombard the blogosphere with girly images of girly clothes and girly shoes with the intention of becoming yet another severely, blasphemously, wickedly popular "blogger" and become an internet millionaire. This is just a madman. This is just an endless mania. This is just an arrogant display of energy combined with typal talent combined with nil/nothing/zero/zilch. This blog, this post will not yield me a dollar, and all of this textual barrage will not result in stomachs fed, hungers sated, and alcoholic drives destroyed.

The only good thing I should hope to come out of this fruitless endeavour is somewhere out in the blogosphere, somebody might discover the band Shinedown, or at least summon sufficient energy to youtube the song "The energy". But, since most of the world out there rests in lazy ponds unmoved due to sluggish limbs, I'll allow them the benefit of hearing it right here:-